Why Is It Harder To Lose Weight Exercising

If how fat you are is determined by the difference between the number of calories you eat and how many you burn, then actively burning more calories should make you lose weight. Surprisingly, this does not always seem to be the case, and here are the most common reasons why you are not losing weight.

You are eating the wrong foods

If you are not losing weight, one of the places you should be looking in is your kitchen. Some individuals focus their energy on burning calories that they do not take the time to consider what they are putting in as fuel.

According to statistics, diet is usually 80% of the entire battle. While the foods you should be consuming depend significantly on your metabolism, body type, and many other dynamics, the best thing to do is to stick to natural and whole foods.

You are consuming a lot of calories

Most of the people who have problems losing weight while exercising are simply consuming lots of calories. You might think that this doesn’t apply to you, but remember that research consistently indicates that most people tend to take their calorie intake too lightly.

If you’re not losing any weight, you should start weighing your foods and also tracking your calories intake for a while. You can do more research to Learn More about the number of calories you should consume.

You are not lifting some weights

Among the most important exercises, you should do when losing weight is some resistance training like lifting weights. By doing this, you will maintain your muscle mass, which is usually burned along with the body fat, especially if you are not exercising at all. Besides, lifting weights will prevent your metabolism from slowing down and also keep your body muscular and toned.

You are not getting enough sleep

Good sleep is among the most crucial factors for your mental and physical health, as well as your body weight. Research indicates that lack of enough sleep is one of the biggest contributing factors of obesity. Children and adults with poor sleep patterns have an 89% and 55% greater risk of obesity, respectively

You are binge eating

One of the common side effects of dieting is binge eating. It involves quickly eating huge amounts of food, often more than your body requires. That is a big problem for most dieters.

Some dieters binge on junk foods, while others binge on fairly healthy foods, including dark chocolate, cheese, nuts, and nut butter, among others. Even if something is incredibly healthy, its calorie content still counts. Based on the volume you take, a single binge can ruin a whole week of dieting.


Losing weight is not always easy, and many factors can bring it to a halt. At the most basic level, failure to lose weight occurs when your calorie intake is higher than or equal to your calorie expenditure.

Try different strategies ranging from keeping a food diary to mindful eating, from doing strength exercises to eating more protein. In conclusion, changing your lifestyle and your weight requires self-discipline, perseverance resilience, and commitment.